Here are all the changes
made to the site:
25.09.2002 Updated race news
27.05.2002 Posted picture of Masami's
Yokomo in South Africa
20.05.2002 Updated race news
23.03.2002 Updated reports, results,
tips and new stuff.
08.03.2002 Updated tips and results.
26.02.2002 Updated reports, results,
18.02.2002 Added Chris Tossolini's
winning carpet setup
16.02.2002 Updated results,
setups, reports and tips.
26.01.2002 Updated new stuff
(some of the part # were wrong, I'm sorry) and results
24.01.2002 Updated new stuff,
no pictures available yet
19.01.2002 Updated the front
page. The site hasn't been updated lately becauce Kentech is in England
29.11.2001 Added Masami's winning
setup from the Japan nats
13.11.2001 Added new carpet
setup and updated racenews and new stuff
23.10.2001 Updated tips section
22.10.2001 Updated new stuff,
setups and results
15.10.2001 Updated the front
page (tomorrow it's 1 year since site launch), added a new setup guide
17.09.2001 Updated new stuff
23.08.2001 Updated racereports
20.08.2001 Added a setup and
updated the blank setup sheet again
13.08.2001 Added a new blank
setup sheet
01.08.2001 Racenews and newstuff
31.07.2001 Racereport added,
my stuff updated with new body pics
19.07.2001 Added 2 new setups,
a racereport and updated the tips
28.06.2001 Added the latest
new products from Yokomo
13.06.2001 Updated newstuff
and added partnumbers for some Yokomo stickers to the tips
21.05.2001 Added racereport,
setup and results from last weekends race and picture of my new chassis
13.05.2001 Fixed some links
that did not work so now everything should be ok
11.05.2001 We're back!...after
a long break. The site was deleted from Tripod. I have been busy so that's
why it has taken me a while to get it back online. I also checked out a
few different free hosting places but I once again made an account at Tripod.
This will however only be a temporary solution. The site will probably
soon be moved to a new home...
Anyway, there are still quite a
lot of things on the site that don't work yet but I will fix that a.s.a.p.
And to the one who caused these
troubles, I know who you are and I will make sure I get revenge...
20.04.2001 Masami's LRP race
setup for the MR4TCS added
17.04.2001 Added info about
the MR4TC Special car kit to new stuff
11.04.2001 Added the racereport
from last weekend's LRP TC Masters
04.04.2001 Updated the calendar
and added a link to the LRP TC Masters to the front page
29.03.2001 Added some pics
of my car to "my stuff" + a pic of myself to "who?"
27.03.2001 Added a racereport
from last weekends race together wit setup. Also added a new section called
"New parts tested" and updated racenews
22.03.2001 Changed the index
page, changed the link to Max Biaggi's homepage, added a link to Mo's homepage
and added a photo to the "who" section. Trust me, the picture is worth
checking :)
17.03.2001 Renamed the setup
tips, now called setup guide
15.03.2001 Added a link to
the MR4 TC Net page to links
06.03.2001 Added pictures from
the ROAR Carpet Nats to the gallery page
05.03.2001 Updated "international
racenews" with Yokomo's latest victory, added a gallery, and a list of
the TeamYokomoFinland drivers, updated some links and the "who" page
26.02.2001 Added pictures and
some information about the MR4TC Special
19.02.2001 Posted a racereport,
setup and results from this weekends race and updated racenews
16.02.2001 Fixed a few errors
on the site
11.02.2001 BIG NEWS
-> check new stuff for more information
10.02.2001 Updated new stuff
05.02.2001 Added the latest
products for the MR4TC to the new stuff page
28.01.2001 Added the latest
22.01.2001 Updated the standard
carpet setup
20.01.2001 Added a few more
pictures of Josh Cyrul's car
19.01.2001 Changed the picture
on the front page and made some small adjustments everywhere
15.01.2001 Updated the racenews
with pictures of Josh Cyrul's Yokomo
14.01.2001 Added an interview
with Masami plus a racereport from the latest race
10.01.2001 Updated the tips
page, added some pictures to the racereports
07.01.2001 Added a racereport,
results and setup from the latest race I did
29.12.2000 Added a new interview
section and posted the first interview, with David Spashett. Also updated
the new stuff section with the new Yokomo shirts
19.12.2000 Added a new setup
the setups, updated the setup tips, added some finnish race results and
made other small changes on the site
11.12.2000 Added a Yokomo Spring
List to the tips section
09.12.2000 Updated carpet practice
setup, added some results
02.12.2000 Updated LRP info
and added an insert chart to the tips section
30.11.2000 Updated a few links
27.11.2000 Added some details
to the racereport and setup tips and Tip #6 to the tips section
26.11.2000 Added a race report
section, added a carpet setup
22.11.2000 Updated my practice
carpet setup in the setups section
19.11.2000 Added a spring comparison
chart to the tips
17.11.2000 Updated racenews
and setups
16.11.2000 Updated racenews
12.11.2000 Updated the new
stuff section
11.11.2000 Updated the racenews
section and changed the homepage so that it works with Netscape.
09.11.2000 Posted the redesigned
05.11.2000 Added links to
pictures of tracks to my setups
05.11.2000 Updated the who
section and the my stuff section
02.11.2000 Added the latest
new products to the new parts page
01.11.2000 Added pictures of
my car to the site, added some setups, updated the tips section
29.10.2000 Added a link to
the setup tips to the homepage
27.10.2000 Added the setup
tips section and changed a lot of other things on the site
21.10.2000 Updated the racenews
20.10.2000 Added some tips
in the tips & tricks section and made some other small changes
19.10.2000 Added the "Who"
section and updated some links
18.10.2000 Made some small
16.10.2000 Site launched